domingo, 23 de junio de 2019

Mental health

Hi everyone! It's me again

For today's publication I will talk about a theme that caught my attention during this semester.  This theme is the Mental Health of the students. Currently mental health in students has been one of the most contingent themes. During this semester the students of different Universities have manifested by the huge academic charge that the professors impose in their subjects. The desire to have a good performance in the University now means having a great mental wear, which affects the personal life of the students and along with that their social relationships.
I have been interested in studying this subject given the many consequences that this mental deterioration brings to students, which is ignored by many of the authorities concerned. It is difficult to talk about sucidium, but unfortunately this is what can cause this problem in people who are too overwhelmed. This incident may be uncomfortable for most people due to its seriousness, but we can not longer ignore it. It is time for the system to accept our demands and realize that this is not the way you want to be training professionals. 
We can not let the University become a constant martyrdom. We are people and we need to have a life outside the University, we have duties, problems to worry about, families to attend to. Personally I think we never know what can happen in the mind or in the life of the other, we do not know the personal problems that this person may be coping with in their daily lives, whether they are family illnesses or other problems, and mix this with Good student performance often costs a very high price, as is mental deterioration. I believe in a more empathic system, I believe that we can achieve it, and still form ourselves as great professionals and reinforce all our capabilities.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

A career-related website / an expert on your field

Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about a website and an author important for our professional training as Public Administrators. In the course of our career there is a lot of information that we must collect and having a good source to do it is essential.
As future professionals, we must work with the contingent issues of society, therefore, it is necessary know about the policies public, programs or laws that are being implemented in the present.

The library of the national congress It is a website that helps us with this need. This page is a common service of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, whose mission is
be the main reference of information and relevant, reliable and politically neutral knowledge for the Parliamentary Community; and an inclusive institution that offers all its stakeholders its bibliographic, documentary, legal and political history of the country. 
Here we can make a review of the laws executed and have access to a variety of information for our civic training. As a student, day by day I use this page for my works and to enrich my kanowledge about the foundations governing our actions.

Besides this page, I think it is important to mention an author who has followed me since my first year of University to the present. This author is Max Weber (1864-1920), who was a philosopher, economist, jurist, historian, political scientist and German sociologist, considered one of the founders of the modern study of sociology and public administration.

His writings have contributed much to the study of Public Administration, allowing is tudying various theories about what public work, the economy and society.
In my opinion, Max Weber must be a guide in the management of the government and the policy for any Public Administrator. Their knowledge is part of the foundation of our training.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Gender roles and stereotypes

Hello everyone,

Today I will talk about an important topic. This is: gender roles and stereotypes.

As we know, the gender roles they are defined as the set of social norms and behavior that are considered appropriate for men and women of a group and social system give.
Gender stereotypes, on the other hand, they are categorized as the "natural" differences between men and women. That is, how to man and woman should be and behave "by nature".

During to my infancy, I studied at a Catholic school and it was here that I learned these ideas of behavior is very permeate in the society.
Since we were kids they have made us believe that the color pink is for women and the color blue is for men. They have  taught us the women what are we more sensitive and delicate, while the man they are rude and strong.
The woman must be the owner of the house and the man must dedicate himself to work and "develop."  This is why in many moments the men show superiority position in fron the women and injustices are growg. They want to keep us submissive but little by little we are empowering ourselves. 

In my opinion, being a man or a woman can't be a conditional. People must be free to develop as they wish regardless of sex and all the social factors that may exist. It's time to eliminate the gaps!