martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

My future job

Hello everyone,
In this post I will talk about my future job. The future is quite uncertain but I would like to work in being part of the Comptroller General of the Republic, because it seems to me a very important organ at a state level and interesting for my professional training. I am also interested in being part of a public service focused mainly on manage vulnerabilities and inequalities in society, such as the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, etc. To get this, I would like to continue expanding my studies with doctorates or master's degree related to the area that I am most interested. Anyway, I think that I have a lot of time to decide yet.

This career opens up a wide range of areas to develop and I like that.

I decided to study Public Administration in order to help with the social changes that the country needs to build a better future for everyone. Therefore, from the area that I me developed, I hope to achieve this.

I would like to travel fed up in life, both outside and inside work if there is a possibility. I have always believed traveling makes you wise, knowing other cultures and realities makes your mind fully expand. Sometimes we live in a bubble and we lock ourselves in the parameters we already have when better ideas can always be born that transform them. I don't want to be conformist about this.