martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

My future job

Hello everyone,
In this post I will talk about my future job. The future is quite uncertain but I would like to work in being part of the Comptroller General of the Republic, because it seems to me a very important organ at a state level and interesting for my professional training. I am also interested in being part of a public service focused mainly on manage vulnerabilities and inequalities in society, such as the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, etc. To get this, I would like to continue expanding my studies with doctorates or master's degree related to the area that I am most interested. Anyway, I think that I have a lot of time to decide yet.

This career opens up a wide range of areas to develop and I like that.

I decided to study Public Administration in order to help with the social changes that the country needs to build a better future for everyone. Therefore, from the area that I me developed, I hope to achieve this.

I would like to travel fed up in life, both outside and inside work if there is a possibility. I have always believed traveling makes you wise, knowing other cultures and realities makes your mind fully expand. Sometimes we live in a bubble and we lock ourselves in the parameters we already have when better ideas can always be born that transform them. I don't want to be conformist about this.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Favorite TV show

Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about my favorite TV show and that really excites me. Before starting I must say that I am a person who takes a lot of his free time watching movies and TV shows. I love to immersing myself in other worlds because they make me escape from reality that sometimes can be a little monotonous. 
I feel that there are so many interesting TV shows that the truth is difficult to redirect my post to speak only of one, but that is what I will do. My favorite TV show is Game of Thrones. This series, based on the books of George R.R. Martin, expose the competition between noble families of seven kingdoms of Westeros, whose purpose is to gain control over the Iron Throne. Game of thrones captivated my heart from the first moment I saw it.   The story is great, I must say that George R. Martin is a genius for creating it and the directors of HBO also for broadcasting. 
Game of thrones is the TV shows that have achieved to complete all my expectations. History contemplates everything (love, war, betrayal, honor, strength), and for that never stopped surprising me.
I have read the books of this saga, but the series in my opinion has been a great representative work (although, as always, diverse things are switch).
The actors interpret their characters very well and are great professionals of the artistic world. I must mention, according to this, the great Emilia Clarke, who interprets Daenerys, Queen of the Dragons in the Game Of Thrones series. 
I must say that I loved how his character was growing throughout history, a great demonstration of strength and courage, as also it was like Sansa Stark, played by the great actress Sophie Turner. A girl who saw an opportunity to grow in bitter experiences. 
I don't have a favorite episode, but season 6 is my favorite.
Well, would say so much about this series and its many characters that I would lack words. I can only say that I recommend it 100%.


jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

My best friend

Hello everyone,
Today I will talk about of my best friend. My best friend name is Sofia Barrios, in present she studies medicine in Valparaiso city. I met Sofia at school, she is a one year older but we were part of the student center together and there we met. We have been very good friend ago 5 years.

I consider Sofia my best friend because is an admirable person. She is very gentile, amorous and funny. It is of those people that always foster the best of you. During all these years of friendship Sofia she was with me in the most difficult times, giving me good energy and words of encouragement.
The best remember I have with Sofia is when vacation together in the beach. She moved to Valparaiso for yours studies and I accompanied her. With Sofia we share the love for Valparaiso and its culture, so it was pleasant to tour the city together. We have fun very much.
I am very proud of the person Sofia has become. If there were more people like her in the world everything would be better.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Post 2: The best concert ever

Hello everyone,
Today I will talk about of the best concert ever. Sincerely, I have not had the possibility to attend many concerts in my life although since I was little always I like so much the music. My favorite singer is Eddie Vedder (vocalist of Pearl Jam) and my favorite musical group is Coldplay. In my opinion the voice of Eddie Vedder is incomparable and magical, his lyrics and melodies can improve any bad day. Last year Pearl Jam did tour for Chile and unfortunately I couldn't attend to his concerts.

This year a friend invited me to the concert that Bad Bunny would do in Chile in September 4. I am not a total fan of this singer, but his songs are very good and I thought it would be a good experience and so it was, we had a very nice time! The concert was very funny, the Movistar Arena it was full of fans. Bad Bunny made a spectacular show. He was an artist very close to his fans and transmitted a lot of good energy, even with motivational and reflexive messages.

I hope can attend to concert of Pearl Jam or Coldplay someday, but to this moment I am very happy and grateful for this experience.

Here are some memories of that day...

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019


Hello everyone,

My name is Tania Cornejo Abarca and I am nineteen years old. I study public administration at the University of Chile. I live in Santiago for my studies, but I was born in Rengo City.

One of my weaknesses in this English course is understand the listening, because my language bases in the school and it was very bad. Rarely could we use the language and practice its pronunciation. On the other hand, one of my strength in this English course is to write in English.

What I expected from the class is to improve my pronunciation and have good vocabulary to be able to express myself in a better way. I really like music in English and I would like to understand it easily.

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2019

Post 1: I country I would like to visit

Hello everyone,
I write again to tell you about a country that I would like to visit. Honestly, I would love to travel to many places in the world (I have a traveling soul haha), but in this post I will talk about my desire to visit Italy, because since girl I have had a special inclination for this country. His language, cities and mores have always attracted my attention.
Italy has a variety of attractions to offer. Among the main destinations that I would like to visit in this country is Venice, with its hundreds of channels, it is one of the most curious and beautiful cities in the world in my opinion. On the other hand Rome, with its Roman Colosseum, one of the seven wonders of the world that I consider necessary to know. Tuscany, for its incredible rural landscapes. And finally Verona, to know the city of Romeo and Juliet for a person is fond of the idea of ​​love is inevitable.
In addition to these attractions, I emphasize that I am a fan of pasta, so I would love to try these dishes in their place of origin. Wow, they must be really yummy!
Anyway , among my plans for the future is to be able to continue my studies in this country and in this way know it and explore it as I want.

domingo, 23 de junio de 2019

Mental health

Hi everyone! It's me again

For today's publication I will talk about a theme that caught my attention during this semester.  This theme is the Mental Health of the students. Currently mental health in students has been one of the most contingent themes. During this semester the students of different Universities have manifested by the huge academic charge that the professors impose in their subjects. The desire to have a good performance in the University now means having a great mental wear, which affects the personal life of the students and along with that their social relationships.
I have been interested in studying this subject given the many consequences that this mental deterioration brings to students, which is ignored by many of the authorities concerned. It is difficult to talk about sucidium, but unfortunately this is what can cause this problem in people who are too overwhelmed. This incident may be uncomfortable for most people due to its seriousness, but we can not longer ignore it. It is time for the system to accept our demands and realize that this is not the way you want to be training professionals. 
We can not let the University become a constant martyrdom. We are people and we need to have a life outside the University, we have duties, problems to worry about, families to attend to. Personally I think we never know what can happen in the mind or in the life of the other, we do not know the personal problems that this person may be coping with in their daily lives, whether they are family illnesses or other problems, and mix this with Good student performance often costs a very high price, as is mental deterioration. I believe in a more empathic system, I believe that we can achieve it, and still form ourselves as great professionals and reinforce all our capabilities.